Relocation Services



It takes a highly qualified Real Estate Agent to satisfy Relocation Companies and their Transferees. I am certified with over 25 Relocation Companies and have a top notch service record with them all.


A relocation move involves many more factors than a regular move.

gold Understanding the requirements of your employer and the relocation company, plus making sure the procedures are followed to protect your benefits.

gold Having extensive knowledge of area amenities, commute options, tax rates, and general information to help you find the right location.

gold Having a solid knowledge of the local Real Estate Market to get you the best value and home for your money when purchasing a home in Colorado.

gold Providing a top notch marketing service to get your house sold quickly and maximize what you receive when selling your home in Colorado. (Many relocation plans offer you a bonus for getting your home sold quickly.)

gold Previewing homes prior to your home buying trip.

gold Attending inspections on your behalf.

gold Great communication and service when the house you are buying is here and you have not yet arrived.

gold Great communication and service when the house you are selling is here and you have already moved.

gold Providing a referral network of professional service providers to help with repairs, preparation for sale, and home inspections.

gold Managing and tracking the dates and details of your purchase or sale so you are always fully informed and the transaction goes smoothly.


Dave Kupernik 026

Got Questions?  Call me at 303.807.0808, or by email click here.